Choosing the Perfect Golf Grips: How Golfers Can Enhance Their Game Today

How we grip a golf club is really important. It’s our only physical connection to the club, so ensuring we get this fundamental correct goes a long way to swinging...

How we grip a golf club is really important.

It’s our only physical connection to the club, so ensuring we get this fundamental correct goes a long way to swinging the club well.

But what about the actual grip on the club itself?

How much attention do we pay to the type of grip that is fitted and if it is the correct choice for us?

Even if we have a preference for which grip we like there are other things to consider.

An example might be that our grips get worn with age and use so how often should we contemplate changing them?

In this article, we will take a look at:

  • What types of grips are available
  • Why getting the correct grip size is important
  • How often should you change your grips?

There are a number of different options available when choosing the grip you want to use.

There are also some practical considerations which help the decision-making process such as:

  • Typical weather conditions you play in
  • How big your hands are

If it seems like it always rains when you play golf you may need to consider grips which perform well in the wet allowing you to keep control of the club during your swing.

Your hands may sweat a lot especially getting towards the tense conclusion of a match or shooting a good score - we don’t want the club slipping in our hands at the wrong time!

Speaking of hands, it’s important to consider their size when selecting a grip.

You may need additional layers of tape under the grip to thicken it up reducing overactive hands at impact which can be an effect of grips being too thin.

Once we can establish these factors we can think about the grip we want to have put on our clubs.

But if you are still unsure we’ll look at some of the different types of grip on offer.

Golf club grip

Standard grip

The standard grip is an all-rubber construction which combines comfort with durability.

This grip can last a long time but is dependent on grip pressure applied by the golfer and the types of conditions they play in.

Standard grips can also come in different sizes to suit a variety of golfers from thin through to jumbo size.

The standard grip is seen as the “catch-all” for golf clubs and will come fitted as standard to most new clubs.

Cord grips

Cord grips provide an alternative feel to their rubber counterparts.

The playing characteristics of a cord grip are slightly harder than the rubber grip.

This abrasive feeling means these grips can perform well in wet conditions or if your hands are prone to sweating during a round.

If the skin on your hands is susceptible to blisters or cracks cord grips might not be the best option to consider.

Corded grips can also come in different sizes to suit a variety of golfers.

Wrap grips

Old golf clubs’ grips were mainly made using leather which was wound around the butt end of the shaft and sealed at the bottom allowing the golfer to have a very soft grip to place their hands on.

Some golfers still opt for a more modern version of this style of grip because of the exceptional levels of softness offered.

A modern wrap grip will come with the same indentions in it as the old leather grips which help provide additional grip on the club.

Although modern wrap grips are destined to offer the highest levels of durability the one Achilles heel for these grips is their performance in the wet.

This is certainly something to think about in your selection process.

You may also need to think carefully about selecting wrap grips if your hands are prone to sweating a lot during a round.

Golf grip

Why getting the correct grip size is important

Having the right grip size on your clubs can help with shot accuracy.

If you have big hands and your golf grip is too thin it can lead to your hands being more active through impact shutting the club face down and sending the ball straight left.

The other shot that can come from grips that are too thin is a hook shot with the ball starting right of the target and curving without control to the left.

The opposite can be said if your grips are too thick, with shots being lost to the right if the club face isn’t able to be squared up at impact.

We also mustn’t forget that some golfers may have smaller hands and they also need grips that fit them correctly

There are two ways both issues can be remedied.

  • Grips are offered in different thicknesses
  • Additional tape can be added before the grip is attached to the club

If you are looking to get your clubs re-gripped or are looking at a custom fit option for new clubs speak to the fitter about what size of grip would be best suited for your game.

Golf grip

How often should you change your grips?

Golf grips can be seen very much like tyres on a car in terms of how heavily they are used will dictate when you need to replace them.

There are some telltale signs to look out for which will tell you it’s time to make a change.

The most common sign a grip needs replacing is if it starts to have a glossy sheen and feel to them in combination with the grip feeling firmer.

Other signs a change is required are:

  • Worn-out colour or smudged grip cosmetics
  • The grip starts to crumble - every time you grip the club flakes of the grip are left in your hands

You can help to maintain the life of your grips by washing them in warm soapy water with a scrubbing brush on a regular basis.

This will help remove dirt and oils that build up over time in the ridges of your grips and will help to soften them up again.

There is no hard and fast rule on timescales as to when you should get grips replaced, unlike car tyres which maybe carry a mileage or age warranty.

Ideally, as soon as the grip feels bad it’s time to consider a change!

In conclusion, grips are an important component in the overall performance of a golf club.

Choosing the right grip can come down to a combination of factors such as the size of your hands, the conditions you play regularly in and performance or comfort.

Having the right grip can help improve the feel of a shot off the club face and keep control of the club throughout the swing.

Grips can perform very much like tyres on a car.

If you practice heavily and play a lot of golf you will wear through your grips a lot quicker than playing infrequently.

As soon as your grips take on a shiny look and a hard feel, it’s time for new ones.

We select a wide variety of grips to accommodate every type of golfer at GolfTech.

If you are looking to make a change get in contact with us and we’ll be happy to assist you make the best choice!

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